Wednesday 28 February 2018

Choosing the Right Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program for Optimal Results

Are you the one who chooses weight loss over money? Have you been trying juice diets, exercises and protein powders to shed extra pounds and still not getting expected results? Most times you end up restricting your diet. Following food restricted diets often lead to nutritional deficiencies instead of sustained weight loss. After a lot of unsuccessful attempts, you may want to consider a safe, medically supervised weight loss program. These programs have helped lots of people attain the ideal weight in a few weeks.

Numerous weight control programs are advertised in newspapers, magazines and radios. How would you know which program is right for you? How to check credibility of weight loss programs? Here are a few tips that will help you choose a safe, physician supervised, weight control program.

Prepare before you visit

Ask these questions to yourself and try to find answers.
  • What should be your eating habits to attain ideal weight?
  • What type of physical activity can help you lose extra pounds?
  • Do you think you will be benefited by the professional help or weight loss program?
Be prepared
  • Prepare questions
  • Record all the dietary supplements and medicines that you take
  • Take note of your diet plans or programs followed in the past
Ask questions

Now that you have made the decision for a medically supervised weight loss program and prepared for it. Ask the following questions to your health professional during your visit.
  • What is the ideal weight for myself?
  • Will weight loss improve my health and specific health issues?
  • Is there any medical condition that is causing weight gain?
  • Is there any physical activity that I should avoid?
  • How effective is the prescribed drug? Are there any side effects?
  • What is the drop-out rate of that program?
  • Are food options realistic to follow every day?
Confirm staff qualifications

Please ask who will be seeing you when you go in for your appointments. Make sure that your program is approved by a specialist. In case of preliminary medical evaluation, enquire about the qualifications of the professional who will do blood work, determine body composition or administer an EKG.

Follow-up appointments

Ensure your weight loss program helps you maintain healthy weight. It should include follow-up appointments after you reach the target weight. A good weight loss program not only helps you meet your weight goals, but also guides you each day to maintain your ideal weight.

Don’t think you are alone. Over 70% of US adults are suffering with obesity and most of them are trying to quickly lose weight through medically supervised weight loss programs.

1 comment:

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